Jim informed me that I needed new jeans. He was right. A hole was starting in my “good” pair. No problem. I went to our trusty Gap Outlet where I knew I could get a pair cheap. I was on a tight schedule, however, so I quickly chose a pair of jeans missing the button. No problem. I have extra buttons and can easily sew one on. Since they were also a little long on me I asked the clerk if I could return them if needed. “No problem,” she said. “As long as it’s within 30 days.” Returned home and remembered my sewing machine was broken and I wasn’t sure when I would get around to having it fixed and shortening the jeans. No problem. I decided to buy another pair at a closer store and return the Gap jeans. This all fit within my “one in, one out” policy since I would trash my oldest pair with a really big hole, the aging jeans would become my gardening jeans, and I would return the Gap jeans, leaving me again with only two pairs of jeans. I knew I had 30 days. Being the organized person that I am, on day 28, I trek out to the Gap Outlet, receipt in hand, to return them and fulfill my “one in, one out” protocol.
Whoa! This clerk said they don’t take returns since it’s an outlet.
Need a new plan. I need to get rid of the third pair of jeans or else I have to fire myself from this blog. I could just give them to Goodwill, but being the conscientious person that I am, I decide to go ahead and sew a new button on anyway. Now I’m feeling pretty virtuous as I put the repaired jeans into my “give away pile.”
But wait…Is feeling virtuous a lack of humility; a sin of pride? Wow, sometimes we overthink these things. Better just to sew on the button, give the jeans away, and not tell anybody about it – except you all. 😕
PS: While I’m in confessional mode, I might as well admit that last summer I bought a black shrug that I wore once and decided it didn’t work. It’s in that same “give away pile.” Time to give away the give away pile.