I got plain pizza instead.
I “toughed it out” at the last St. Francis DeSales fish fry by purchasing only the cheapest meal for $2. My son, who teaches at the school, gave me a hard time since it’s a fundraiser for the school. He said I could have made a bigger donation even if I didn’t eat more. He’s right of course. This week I plan to pay for a decent meal for Jim and me and then “pay it forward” by paying for a meal for the person in line after me. Where will I get this food money? From the $17 I won at the last fish fry “split the pot” raffle. I may even buy some more raffle tickets. Check out the Ted Talk by Nipun Mehta – Designing For Generosity for more on paying it forward.
PS: For the moment, I’m ignoring the Styrofoam cups. I know, I know, I could have brought my own cup but it takes awhile to make new habits and I’m doing this step by step.