It’s been 3 months since my last post which I usually do at least monthly. Maybe you’ve noticed. Maybe you’ve been busy with your own life. Easter has come and gone and so have I. (Jim and I took a long-delayed trip to Australia and New Zealand with our youngest son and his wife. We not only explored a new-to-us continent and met new people but learned new things about life and living simply.)

One thing I learned these past 3 months is that keeping up with faith, family, and environmental commitments, plus adding Spring gardening can take a lot of time. It prompted guilt in me for not blogging more frequently. Then I asked myself – Which of these commitments is more important? All (except maybe blogging more often). 🙂

So, as you know from my February 22 post, I’ve been trying to focus on my inner spirituality lately and this has happened. What has helped?

  1. Daily prayer (although this is not new)
  2. A supportive and challenging local and national faith community who keep bringing up new ways to love others and stretch my mind.
  3. A supportive spouse who non-judgmentally accepts my weakening memory and reminds me of names, words, and details.
  4. Giving myself permission to rest/recreate/reflect on life without feeling it’s a waste of time.
  5. A mysterious intrusion of the Spirit who has been telling me that “It’s not my fault.”

Hmmm, you might be thinking – What’s not my fault?

  • Global Warming is not my fault. This doesn’t mean I don’t continue to work on environmental issues, especially reducing Single Use Plastics. But…I shouldn’t beat myself up about not yet making a significant difference.
  • My memory lapses are not my fault, but it doesn’t mean I don’t make lists.
  • Spiritual weaknesses like judging other people and the political mess our country seems to be in. I don’t have to agree or support actions I disagree with but the more I try to reduce judging others as wrong or bad, the more it helps me accept my own imperfections. We’re all human. We all make mistakes. Forgive myself and others. Accept Divine forgiveness. Keep trying.

Hopefully these musings will be more than a personal confession but might resonate with your own self-assessment. Keep trying.