Living Lightly

Susan Vogt on living more simply but abundantly

Browsing Posts published by Susan Vogt

My next several blog posts will cover various angles of recycling (Recycling, The Multiplier Effect, Paper Pruning, and Precycling.) Let’s start with the easy one – recycling plastics. 😉 This will be a refresher for many people but I’m throwing in some trickier items for the hard core recycler.

The Usual:
Most municipal curb-side recycling programs accept plastic bottles and jugs (along with paper, glass, and metals). They make it so easy. Simply put these items in the bin or cart they provide. Most conscientious people do this. Hurrah! The challenge for many people is making it easy inside the home, i.e. designating a container to hold the recyclables till recycling day.

days-365132-plastic-bagsPlastic Bags:
I’ve known for awhile that plastic bags should not be put in curbside recycling. I didn’t, however, know why. After all, aren’t these all plastics? Then I took a tour of our local Rumpke recycling plant. Wow! Now I get it. Bags gum up the recycling process and nimble humans need to quickly pull the bags off the recycling lines. Most grocery stores accept plastic bags for recycling. (After all, they are the source of much of the plastic to begin with.) Even if you use paper or reusable cloth bags for groceries, you’re bound to collect some plastic bags. And unless you grow all your own food, you make periodic trips to a grocery. What a deal! Just bag up the bags and take them back. Note: Although the plastic bag your newspapers come wrapped in may seem like a waste on sunny days, dog owners tell me it’s handy when walking a dog. 😉

days-365132-plastics-recyclingHard Plastics that don’t qualify for curb-side recycling
Many curb-side recycling companies won’t take hard plastics that aren’t bottles or jugs. That’s because it’s hard to find buyers for these plastics on a scale that allows them to make a profit. But wait, there’s a solution if you make the effort. Whole Foods stores usually accept these “unacceptable” hard plastics. This includes:

#3 plastic

#3 plastic  cards

  •  #5 plastics

    #5 plastics

    #3 plastic cards (like gift cards, luggage tags, credit cards, etc. (Make sure you cut up the credit cards to protect your identity.)

  • #5 containers. This is part of the Gimme 5 program that even accepts #5 plastics (like hard to recycle yogurt containers). The #5 bin is usually separate from the other recycling bin, so look for it.

Whole Foods may have buyers that deal in small quantities or they may figure that getting you into the store will provide them with a profit from other things you buy

Pill Containers:
days-365132-pill-bottle-recyclingMaybe you’re healthy – most of the time. But most everybody has had some of those orange plastic pill containers. What to do? Peel the labels off and send your pill bottles to an international outreach program, such as Matthew 25:Ministries or Evansburg United Methodist Church  (Cincinnati area) or Samaritan’s Purse  (N.C.) Other possibilities include taking them to an animal hospital or an ASPCA near you to see if they could use some pill bottles for pet medicines. Also, reach out to your local community health center or homeless shelter to find out if they’re accepting donations.

Blessed by Less CoverLately, I’ve been having some troubling feelings connected with my latest book, Blessed By Less: Clearing Your Life of Clutter by Living Lightly. It was published almost 3 years ago and won a number of awards. I’m understandably proud of it, but I find myself feeling dispirited by not getting enough credit for it. For example:

  • Another blogger published a similar book with an almost identical cover a few months ago. I respect this author and our take on living simply are very sympatico, so I sent him a copy of my book soon after it was published. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
  • I was listening to a homily about humility at Mass during which the priest, a good friend, focused on the need for us to let go of self-righteousness and become less smug. Hmmm, One of the sections in my book is called “The Smug Factor.” I would have been honored for him to say something like, “And hey! We have an author who covers this concept sitting right here with us. (I, of course, would humbly, with a half embarrassed smile, nod modestly.)
  • Another well-known author (much better known than I) recently announced a “30 Day Give Away” challenge to his readers. Hmmm, sounds like my original idea of giving away 1 thing a day during the 40 days of Lent.

Now all of these could simply be coincidences of people independently coming up with similar ideas. After all, many in our culture have been moving in the direction of countering consumerism and letting go of extra stuff for the past several decades. Hoarders are pitied, not admired. But still, I found myself wanting to get credit for my work. As I took this to prayer, eventually I came to two rather obvious insights:

  1. Stuff-nothingLet go of wanting credit. After all, where did I get MY ideas – probably they bubbled up from a variety of things I had read or heard others speak of. Is any idea totally original? (Note to my publisher: This doesn’t mean I’m declining royalties. It’s fair to compensate writers for the time they put in to create intellectual property so I can live to write again.)
  2. Give credit. Why not replace my desire to be recognized with finding opportunities to give credit to another for a good idea.

Question to ponder: Who can I acknowledge for a talent, a service, a job well done this week? Give credit to others.

Days 365+130 golf clubsWe were robbed last week. Someone took Jim’s golf clubs out of the trunk of our car and my prescription glasses out of the front seat. Our car wasn’t locked and it was in our open garage. Still it felt like a personal violation and it takes time to replace stuff. After allowing ourselves some time for a pity party, I started thinking more deeply about what it means to be robbed and even more about what it means to be a thief.
Of course it’s wrong to steal. The thief not only stole our goods but also our time and sense of safety. Then I started to think about who would do a thing like this. Surely it wasn’t a terrorist or even a mean spirited, nasty person who wanted to make life miserable for another human being. Probably it wasn’t someone who played golf. People who can afford to play golf are usually at least middle class and don’t have to steal clubs. What are the chances that they had exactly the same eye prescription as I do. The fact that we had these things is a sign of privilege.
No, most probably it was someone who needed some cash. Why? I don’t know. It could have been a teen, an addict, a person down on their luck. Whatever the reason this person needed money more than I do – at least these days.
There was a time that both Jim and I had given up golf because it was a sport that was too expensive for our income and too time consuming for parents of young children. We defaulted to tennis at public courts and later to simply walking. But our kids are grown and now we could pay to replace the clubs.
In an ideal world, I’d like to think that a person who “honestly” needed money could just come to our house and say, “Hey, I’m short on food, or gas money, or whatever – and we would just give it to him or her. Several times we’ve hired folks who came to our door needing money to do some yard work or painting. But that’s not usually how our society works. We farm out charity to churches or the government.
Actually, I don’t think that’s a bad idea since when it works well, institutional programs can provide more than a quick fix. They can offer training, social support, addiction treatment, mentoring, and a way out of systemic poverty. But our society isn’t perfect. Some people take advantage of our tax dollars and generosity – and not all of those people are poor. Some are smart financiers or executives who know how to take advantage of tax breaks and human vulnerabilities.
Days 112 Extra - Question markSo what’s a conscientious, well-meaning person to do?
• Hang out a sign saying “Take what you want.”
• Figure our taxes should cover those in need.
• Lock everything up tight.
• Be generous with panhandlers.
• Complain.
OR, spend some time working or volunteering for organizations that provide education, recovery programs, or other preventive measures that will help people in need develop self-sufficiency. It’s a long, slow slog and there’s no one solution that fits everyone. Electing political leaders who understand this is part of the solution.
Meanwhile, I’m trying to forgive the thief and give my money to causes that help, but not hang out a “Just come and take anything” shingle. The poor will always be with us. How do you manage this conundrum in your own personal and spiritual life?

UPDATE: When looking for replacement golf clubs at a used sports store, Jim found his bag and clubs for sale. The store asked for a police report which he provided. Soon he will get his bag and most of his clubs back. The store has the name of who sold the stolen goods to them. We are curious as to whether they will share it with us or the police and what the next step might be.

My last blog post dealt with when is a bargain not a bargain. (See Deal or No Deal) Now I’d like to expand on that by evaluating a few other items that involve weighing time vs. money. How much is my time worth? The bench mark I’m starting to establish for myself is that a discount or sale should not require me to spend more than $1 per minute. For example, if the discount will be $10, it should take no more than 10 minutes of my time. If the sale will save me $60, it shouldn’t take more than an hour to research and claim it. Of course this is a totally arbitrary rule of thumb, but it helps me assess whether it’s worth my time. Some recent examples:

    • Days 365+130 Swarovski bear 1Valuables: I inherited some nice Swarovski crystal. I’m saving a couple figurines but decided to let go of a crystal bear. The going price on Ebay ranges from $20 -$250. I’ve never sold anything on Ebay. It would take me awhile to figure out the system and then securely mail it to a buyer. Meanwhile, our parish just requested items for a raffle. I decided the trouble to sell the bear wasn’t worth my time since I have a worthy alternative.
    • Phone solicitations: I never donate to anyone who calls me on the phone because they almost always call during dinner and we only donate to causes that we are personally involved with. BUT, how do we respectfully respond to these inconvenient calls without cancelling our landline which we need for our home offices? I researched and signed up on the Do Not Call Registry,  but that doesn’t apply to charities and political campaign calls. Why The ‘Do Not Call’ List Doesn’t Stop Annoying Robocalls — And What To Do About It gives helpful background. Still, the time it would take me to find a solution to this is more than I want to commit. My decision? Answer solicitations with this mantra: “Yes, you have a worthy cause but we have already committed all our donation dollars for this year. Good bye.” (The IRS scam, Cardholder Services, and cruise offers don’t require this courtesy.

Days 365+129 air con home croppedAir conditioner: When we installed replacement windows last year it meant taking out a large window air conditioner. We decided to try to live without the AC. The summer’s almost over. It’s been hot. We’re still not sure if we will get a new unit, get central air, or tough it out in the basement “cave.” Regardless, we won’t use the current one because it’s noisy and blocks our view. After delaying for most of the summer, I felt guilty about having a usable air conditioner sitting unused in the garage when many people were suffering from the heat and didn’t have a basement to retreat to. I could sell it to an AC repair company but it only took a short internet search to learn that Salvation Army is one of the few places that will pick up a used but working air conditioner.

Time expended on air conditioner:
3 months = Procrastination
5 minutes = Internet research & 2 phone calls
1 week = Waiting to get back in town to finalize the deal
1 minute = Schedule a pick-up

LESSON: Even nice formulas (like $1 per minute) still need human judgment about when and how strictly to implement. It’s like most decisions in life.

Time - clockIn my never ending quest to save both time and money, I’ve noticed that these two values are often at odds with each other. Saving time can cost money (eating out, hiring someone to clean the house, scouring stores or the internet for bargains) and saving money can cost time (see my 3 recent experiences below).

  • I saw an ad for an all-purpose travel bag that would hold my laptop computer, file folders, and planner, with pockets for my water bottle, pens, etc. Since my current one was wearing out, it looked perfect and was free. All I had to do was receive some literature on reverse mortgages. I figured someone might call me and try to entice me to get a reverse mortgage but I’m hardened against marketers so I figured I’d just say “No.” Eventually (60+ days later) I did get my bag, BUT it took listening to 3 sales pitches, 5 follow-up calls, numerous times on hold, and threatening to call the Better Business Bureau. Was it worth my time?
  • We needed more mulch for our garden. My local garden store had a rebate for a higher quality mulch which would make it cheaper than the regular mulch. I figured I’d just send in the rebate form and get my money back. Not so simple. The online rebate form took me 30 minutes to fill out since the directions were confusing. (2 computer reboots of the form, 5 trips to the garage to find the correct UPC code, and still it would take 6-8 weeks for processing.) All this for a total of $10.
  • It’s not good enough to be good. It takes time. Since I regularly work with children at church, I am certified in two states by Virtus – a child protection accrediting program. It was time for another background check. I filled out the form, the check was done, but one diocese was willing to pay for the background check and the other was not. Apparently they don’t talk well with each other. Eventually it was just easier to pay for the second one myself. (I was starting to get greedier with my time.)

Probably lots of frugal people like me have had similar experiences. I work at home and our children are grown so my time is flexible. I’m also very persistent, so if I feel like I’m not being treated fairly, I will doggedly pursue the perpetrator in the name of justice for the public. Still I want to make good use of my time and I wonder if trying to get the best deal is worth it. This has led me to the following 7 Time vs Money Protocols.

  1. dollar signDo I really need the item, or am I just attracted to it because it is FREE. Skip it. My time is not free.
  2. Do I have the money to pay the full price? Would I still buy this item if it were not such a “deal.” Pause and reflect.
  3. Assess the amount of discretionary time I’m willing to spend on a discount. If it will take more than 10 minutes and I have pressing productive things to do – pay the extra money. (Productive time can include being present to a loved one, playing a favorite game, or taking a needed nap.)
  4. Double the amount of time I expect that claiming the discount will take. It usually does. Is it worth it? What else might I do with this time?
  5. Be respectful and kind, but firm with the sales people I encounter when trying to claim my discount. They are usually just trying to make a living. Contact the Better Business Bureau or Snopes, however, if you suspect it might be a scam.
  6. If catching a good deal is your idea of fun and you have the time to fritter, enjoy the challenge.
  7. Ignore all cruise offers

For more ideas read 12 Sneaky Ways Online Retailers Get You to Spend More and Joshua Becker’s How Refund Policies Encourage Spending (and Reduce Returning).

What criteria do you use for deciding when saving money is more important than time and vice versa. Please comment.

Days 365+128 Heidi's stuffBefore you think I’ve gone over to the dark side and given up Living Lightly by acquiring 11 new items and letting go of none, I must again clarify. Our daughter will soon move back from Kenya to the USA – not to our home but certainly closer than Africa. She has a fellowship in Boston for a year but is not sure where she will go after that. She asked to store some of her stuff until her plans are clearer. So…I’m breaking one of my rules about not storing adult children’s stuff, lest I enable a son or daughter to avoid making those hard decisions about letting go of their own collection of stuff.

Conveniently for her, the family had just gathered for a family reunion near Erie, PA, so Heidi brought 2 large suitcases for transfer back to our house. She then repacked one of the suitcases into 9 colorful blue plastic bags and one satchel.

This brings up the ongoing question of how much should parents allow their homes to be free storage units for their adult children? Here’s my thinking:

  1. General rule of thumb: Once a child has moved out and has their own place, the parent announces a time that said child can transfer all their clothes, sports equipment, school memorabilia, etc. to their own place. It will probably force them to prune their own stuff. Anything left is fair game for the parent to dispose of as they please.
  2. Exceptions: If the child temporarily lives far away (like a gap year or volunteer work in a foreign country) parents may store stuff until they have a permanent place. If a child has a very tiny apartment, parents again may temporarily offer storage space. The challenge is to define “temporary.”
  3. Tough Love Approach: If the parent doesn’t have the heart to implement #1 or has downsized to not need as much space, then a solution is to just move to a smaller home. Announce that all offspring’s belongings will be left on the porch for 1 week. It’s nice to leave a forwarding address for visiting, but not for storage.

But, what about people who still live in your home but are “clutter-bugs” – at least by your definition? I have ideas on this too which can be summed up as “Deal with your own clutter first. They may be inspired to follow.” If not, there are some strategies to encourage other family members to follow your lead but I’ll leave that for a future post.

The Other Side
The other side of parents acting as storage units for their adult kids, is sometimes it works the other way around. Parents sometimes hang on to stuff in the hope of handing it down to their offspring. Think baby clothes for a hoped for grandchild, heirloom dishes or furniture for when they have a place of their own. Consider this – Memo to parents: Your adult kids don’t want your stuff – and take pause. Enjoy!

What’s your experience and tips for dealing with other people’s stuff or stuff you want to hand down?

UPDATE: In fairness to our daughter, I misunderstood and thought we were to store the items in the photo indefinitely. I later learned that actually our house was just a temporary 6 week layover. We stuffed our car and took all the bags and suitcases in the photo plus 1 bike and numerous mementos she had stored with us to her new place in Boston. I stand corrected.

Before you canonize me as St. Minimalista for bringing only 3 new items into our home and getting rid of 71, I must clarify that 56 of the outgoing items were pens and pencils and 13 more were duplicates or older socks. Here’s how it broke down:

Days 365+127 misc

click to enlarge


  • 1 new pair of shoes in; 1 deteriorating pair out
  • 1 new watering can in; 1 broken one out.
  • 1 new digital scale in; 1 decades old, hard to read one out.


  • 1 stuffed animal – out. Although stuffed animals can hold memories, we have several and this frog carried no special attachment.
  • 4 barbecue utensils – out. Since our grill is worn out and headed for metal recycling heaven, we have no need of these utensils.
  • 4 pairs of socks – out. These were left over from my “Silly Socks” blog post in which I bought 12 pairs of socks because 10 pairs came in one package. When combined with my current socks and after turning the worst ones into rags, I still had 4 usable pairs more than I needed.
  • 4 hangers – out. As my wardrobe dwindles I don’t need as many hangers.

    All the pencils

    All the pencils

Since I was on a miscellaneous spree, I decided to prune all the pens and pencils in the house just for curiosity and fun. (You may also call me St. Weird or Compulsiva if you like.) I gathered up all the pens and pencils in the house except for the ones on my husband’s desk. This was not to be an exercise in marital disharmony which would invalidate my claim to sainthood.
Altogether I had:

All the pens

All the pens

80 pencils: Since pencils are hard to break, I only threw away 8 short ones. Gave away 23.
67 pens: Pens go bad. I threw away 22 that no longer worked. Gave away 3.

This leaves me with:
49 pencils
42 pens

pencils/pens to give away

pencils/pens to give away

This probably sounds like way more than any well stocked home needs but we often have folks over for meetings which involves people writing on handouts, plus 2 home offices, plus we are old fashioned enough to still have 5 landline phones and it’s handy to have several writing implements at each phone.


  1. The one in – one out philosophy is good but it’s possible to play games with even a good strategy.
  2. When some items grow old and deteriorate, they may not be worth giving away. It can be insulting to give threadbare socks or raggedy shoes even to Goodwill. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference.
  3. Numbers don’t necessarily tell the whole story.
  4. It’s OK to sometimes indulge one’s silly side just for the fun of being a pencil pusher.

Days 365+126 windows in garage croppedWe live in an old house. We love it but part of being old means that the window were not energy efficient. We had storm windows but they were a pain to put in and out each year. We finally made the commitment to replace all of the 100+ year old windows. It took awhile and was a big investment but we’re glad we did it.

Of course we then had 19 windows, storm windows, and screens to dispose of. After checking around we found an organization ReUse Centers that takes material headed for the dumpster and re-uses them to help others build homes who might not otherwise be able to afford it. The ReUse Center partners with Reset Ministries  to train individuals in repairs and by providing them with guided work experience.Days 365+126 windows storm

What has this taught me?

  1. Respect for skilled labor – It takes a lot of knowledge and skill to do quality workmanship in home repair.
  2. Patience – Most home repair takes longer than originally planned.
  3. Sometimes you have to spend in order to save – Although it cost a lot of money which we will probably not totally recoup in our lifetime, it does save energy and lowers our heating bills.
  4. Days 365+126 windows into ReUse truckThere’s a lot of good people around trying to help people get a leg up. Every city may not have a handy ReUse Center, but just the fact that a few years ago somebody saw the need to keep building supplies out of landfills, matched it with providing used but serviceable materials to builders plus a training program for the unemployed or underemployed means that people are looking for worthy things to do. Perhaps you are already involved in such an entrepreneurial project. Perhaps you’re a person who has the skill and time to start one. Everybody can do something – even if it’s just to identify a need and urge someone else to meet it.

I’m a little late with my bi-weekly blog but it’s planting season and the weather won’t wait.

Days 365+125 sewing machine croppedRecently a friend returned a sewing machine I had lent her about 20 years ago. This is nice but I gave the old one away because I needed a machine that could do a zigzag stitch for knits. The returned machine still works well so I did my own version of Craig’s list and put out an email to friends who might want a machine but didn’t need it to do fancy stuff. Success! A friend knew a friend who teaches women how to do quilts. An extra machine would be handy. Isn’t it nice when the informal economy works. People having stuff know people who need stuff.  Freecycle is a more organized version of this but personally knowing someone is nice. Of course this means one has to be rubbing shoulders with folks that have needs. How do you come into contact with folks who may need things you have?

A variation on this theme is my experience with household repair tools. As a Christmas gift to Jim, I had agreed to organize his tools. It took some time but fed into my love of organizing. Of course the natural result is that I found a number of duplicates and even triplicates. Even after allowing for a few extras in case of breakage, losing a tool, or lending some out, we still had the following to give away.Days 365+124 tools

  • 1 electric drill with bits
  • 4 pliers
  • 1 wrench
  • 4 screw drivers

Since the drill was substantive I did the email to friends and nobody bit, BUT they did have advice. Why not give the tools to Habitat for Humanity’s ReStores  which are nonprofit home improvement stores and donation centers that sell new and gently used furniture, appliances, home accessories, and building materials to the public at a fraction of the retail price. Most medium sized cities have one.

Again, a win/win/win situation. I clear out extra stuff, someone gets a needed tool, and I feel good. What are some good places you’ve found to take household goods you no longer need?



OK, technically, I did finish cleaning my desk up by Easter, BUT I conveniently omitted the fact that the file cabinet next to my desk had a lot of paper clutter and odds and ends on top of it too. I had intended that to be part of my Lenten clean up but just didn’t get around to it. Now I finally had some open time so I tackled it.

I found:
*cell phones & equipment (batteries, instructions, cords for old phones)
*old but usable greeting cards
*miscellaneous files (including background on a homeless couple who stayed with us 6 years ago)



*a lot of dust

It took me about 3 hours to sort through the papers but I think the research I did about what to do with unused cell phones will be more useful to you.

4 Things To Do With Old Cell Phones:
1. Re-purpose it.
Ting  offers some creative uses.
2. Give it to Charity.
Treehugger  lists a number of charities that can use cell phones.
3. Recycle it.
Best Buy was the easiest place for me. (They also take old plastic cards like credit cards.) Click here  for other possibilities.
4. Sell it. Days 365+123 Lent lingers cell phones
Unfortunately, with the rapid enhancements in cell phones, my older phones weren’t good enough for Gazelle . CNET  gives additional ideas for getting cash for your phone. For a video about how this works, click here  (The families featured in the video haven’t caught the “Living Lightly” bug yet, but at least they’re not throwing their old phones in the garbage. BUT, don’t be too quick to sell. Read these cautions about giving away important private info to buyers

1 Thing NOT To Do With Old Cell Phones
Throw them in the garbage. See Why.l

I still have piles of paper on our ping-pong table, aka expanded desk space, but that’ll have to wait for another weekend…or another Lent.

Days 365+120 Lent medical filesMy Lent 2016 resolve was twofold:

  • Paper Reduction. Starting with my desk and including my “desk extensions” (3 file cabinets and the Ping Pong table), my goal was to reduce the paper. The connection to my spiritual life was that I figured clearing the extraneous paper that crowded my life would make me more productive and help me focus on what was really important.
  • Listening Better, i.e Speech Reduction. Since paper reduction didn’t seem quite spiritual enough, I added a resolve to focus on being more mindful of the sacredness of people I interact with each day. This meant listening to others more closely rather than what I had to say. Spiritually, I continue to struggle with pride and self-importance. I figured that focusing on the other would move me toward humility.

How did I do? Although I made some progress, it was not nearly what I had planned – unless you consider not meeting my goals a movement toward humility. 😕 As with any conscious effort to grow, however, I did learn some things.

1.  To avoid endless procrastination, choose a:

  • Doable task – Breaking a goal into small steps is better than aiming to eliminate world hunger. Make it something you can measure and succeed at. Reducing ALL my extraneous papers including my file cabinets was too big to do in six weeks. Even limiting it to my desk was ambitious, but doable.
  • Date to start – Pick a time that you have a reasonable chance of being able to start. Sure, life might interfere with an unexpected crisis that changes your schedule, but choose a date that has a good chance of being available – as we say in Kentucky, “God willin’ and the crick don’t rise.” Ash Wednesday made sense to start a Lenten project; but it was undoable since I was out of town.
  • Length of time – If you know you only want to spend 30 minutes, 1 hour, or half a day doing a project pick something that can reasonably be done within that time. Of course you can always extend the time if you’re on a roll and don’t have another commitment looming, but making the task too open-ended can keep you from starting. On days I only had an hour, I picked small “mini drawers” to review. I saved the monster file drawer for an open Saturday.
  • Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Yes, it would be best to pick a doable task, a start date, and an acceptable length of time, but sometimes life isn’t that neat. Eventually, I decided to just start because if I waited for the perfect time and task, I would lose another week. I decided on one small drawer and 15 minutes. It motivated me to go on – later.

2. Start With Empty. Although it can be daunting, it ended up being more efficient to empty a whole drawer or closet and put back only those things I wanted to keep. Not only did it give me the opportunity to clean the space, but I found hidden items tucked away in corners. Most important, I had to make a conscious decision about each thing I decided to return to the space.

3. Sorting Paper Can Be a Spiritual Experience. Going through my old papers became an exercise in deciding what was trivial and passing from what was important and enduring. It was like a mini life review. I noticed people on my Rolodex who had died, businesses that had closed, people who had moved. I noticed that somethings I once thought were important to save were now obsolete or I could get the information online – like old computer manuals and directories. I wonder what things I think are very important to do today, may change as my life circumstances change. See Cleaning My Desk 1  and Dancing & Desk Cleaning 3.  Other papers were sentimental but there was not a need to keep them. I just needed time to be emotionally ready to let them go.

4. Let Go of Guilt. Guilt can be motivating, but often it just blocks energy needed to act. Rather than wallow in guilt about not being able to start on Ash Wednesday, I started a week late. Rather than beat myself up for not doing this summary on Easter, I’m two weeks late. Rather than give up, I’m still blogging. It’s OK. I’m learning to prioritize the important tasks from the less important ones. It also may be a sign that not only is it necessary to let go of guilt but also to let go of some things on my “To Do” list. Sorting the less important from the essential is a life skill that goes beyond paper reduction.

Days 365+117 ear5. Listening Takes Repetition. I like to think of myself as a good listener. After all I’m a trained counselor. Still, it’s hard to put aside my own agenda and really be present to another human. But, I had a plan. Each morning I would review the people I would likely see that day. Since our kids are sprung and I work at home, this was a small number. Some days I don’t even need to go out of the house so I included phone calls. I also included clerks at stores or a restaurant I might be at. I intended to look at each person mindfully and listen fully to what they said, even if it was just, “Have a good day.” Time after time, I would leave a store or a meeting and realize I had forgotten. Unfortunately I received a physical prompt when I got “airplane ear” after a trip (see Listen Up) Perhaps my difficulty hearing people could be a reminder to listen more closely. It helped but changing a habit takes a lot of repetition. With each day’s renewed resolve fewer opportunities slipped by, but it’s a slow learning curve.

6. Always Have Something To Do While on Hold. I am often on the phone with service personnel trying to figure out bills, internet glitches, etc. I’m also aware that as helpful as the internet can be to modern life, things like social media and promotional emails can be time hogs. No matter how lovely the music, rather than listening to it while I’m waiting for the support person to get back to me, I’ve found it more useful to spend that time checking websites that I don’t normally take the time to read.

Another weekend, another excuse. This past weekend out of town travel kept me from continuing to clean out my desk. After returning home and doing the obligatory catch up from the meeting and addressing the coming week’s priorities, I decided to attack the low hanging fruit – stuff on top of my roll-top desk. This included:Days 365+120 Lent medical files

  • Books: I decided that only reference books deserved to be within arm’s reach. Therefore, my “read sometime” books got demoted to other book shelves. This means they may never get read but at least they aren’t taking up valuable real estate on my desk.
  • Medical Reports: We changed from Humana Medicare to Aetna Medicare on January 1. I had always been annoyed by the unnecessary paper that Humana mailed to me each month but didn’t want to take the time to prune through it or call and complain. This made it easy, just pitch 4 inches of paper reports. So far Aetna has not been inundating me with superfluous paper.
  • Days 365+120 Lent Notes to self cropped107 Miscellaneous notes to self: I have a small tin that I’ve been keeping important and/or interesting scraps of paper in for the past 5 years. They were neat, but 107 are too many to sort through even if I could remember what I wrote. I discarded 72. Of the remaining ones, I grouped 17 into Marriage, Parenting, or Meeting ideas. I saved the essence of some of the discarded ones to computer files. Ah, this feels more manageable.
  • Days 365+120 Lent Misc croppedBox, Book End, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC): I’m moving the box and book end to other parts of the house. I pitched the little TMC acupuncture “thingies.” They were 10 years old and for back pain. I’ve been pain free for awhile.


  1. Know thyself. Admit that I’m more of an article reader than a book reader and pass the books on.
  2. Let go of unrealistic expectations. Although, I had hoped to not only clean out my desk this Lent but also go through my file cabinets. I’ve barely finished my desk and there are just 3 days to go. It’s OK. Although moving can force pruning, for those of us who have lived in one place for a long time, getting rid of the accumulation can also take a long time.
  3. Getting rid of stuff takes time but the process can be sweet. It took me about an hour to go through the 107 notes. Lest you think this was time wasted, I am pleased to report that most of the time was spent on hold with several medical providers who were trying to help me resolve an overcharge on a bill. Bottom line: Always have something to do while on hold. Checking Facebook is another use for “hold” time. On the other hand, spending some time with old inspirational notes was, well, inspirational.

Days 365+119 Lent contra dance swapI’ve been saving pruning my desk files for a weekend – when I have more time. Unfortunately/Fortunately this past weekend was Pig Town Fling – an annual weekend contradance which “required” my full presence and hosting 5 people. My nod to giving stuff away took the form of donating 2 contra dresses to the dress swap and restraining myself from taking 2 dresses in exchange.

Today I tackled the job I’ve been avoiding – going through my work files which are in neat but stuffed hanging folders in my final desk drawer. It was prompted by a meeting with our accountant to prepare our taxes. This meant I had to go through my 2015 tax records. It’s done but I learned a few things about taxes and old files.

  1. Days 365+119 Lent tax forms & tapesTax receipts: I don’t need tax receipts from 2004. In fact, the IRS says I really only need the last 3 years of receipts. I decided to keep the last 4 years, just to be safe. That cleared a lot of space.
  2. When it’s old but you’re not ready: I found outlines from talks I gave over 10 years ago – all neatly ordered by date of course. I should throw everything out that’s over 5 years since most of it is on my computer anyway, but I’m a wimp and keep thinking I might want to refer to them. Solution – at least move them to the back of the drawer and label anything over 2 years “Archives.” When I’m braver, I’ll toss them.
  3. Decide when to be strong and let go: I don’t need “To Do” lists that are 2 – 20 years old? To be fair, these weren’t active “To Do” lists but often contained notes, old rosters, and other miscellaneous gems. I toughed it out and tossed them.
  4. Some decisions are easy: Miscellaneous conference programs from organizations that I am not currently involved with are not necessary to keep. Who would have thought?
  5. Let go of the pride that makes me think others want my old stuff. Tapes (I mean actual cassette tapes) of talks I gave back when cassette tapes were modern technology, could be discarded guilt free. But wait! What if I become famous and my grandchildren want to hear my actual voice after I die? Be strong, Susan, let it go. They won’t have cassette players around to play them on anyway.

This continues to be an experience of noticing that many things that seemed important to save in one decade, lose significance over time. The art is to notice what has lasting value and what does not. People are important, not the symbols of one’s accomplishments (or mistakes). In time my loved ones and I myself will pass away. The important thing is how I spend my time and relate to people now.

Days 365+117 earThis past week I was away at a meeting so I didn’t have time to go through my remaining desk drawers. I figured I’d focus on my companion Lenten resolution – to listen more mindfully.

On the last leg of my flight to Louisiana my ears popped. You know, that uncomfortable feeling that you sometimes get when a plane is landing and your ears don’t quite adjust to the changing pressure. No big deal, I figured I’d get my normal hearing back soon, certainly within a day. I was wrong. Although I could hear, it always felt like one of my ears was hearing through a fog. This was annoying but not a deal breaker. I kept waiting for the fog to lift and occasionally it would, but then it would come back.

Now, 1 week and doctor visit later, I still have my plugged ear. The doctor called it a sinus infection and ordered some medication. Nothing has changed yet – EXCEPT my attitude. For awhile I would whine to myself wondering when my hearing would get back to normal – certainly any day now. In the meantime I gave myself permission to rest and delay work projects. Then I realized that:

  1. I was lucky to still be able to hear. Some people are deaf.
  2. Even though I still have a cough, I don’t feel miserable.
  3. Eventually my ear will clear up. Stop complaining that it’s not on my time schedule. I don’t have anything crucial scheduled for another week.
  4. Oh yes, and about that listening thing – maybe I can turn this hearing loss to my advantage. I can consider it a physical prompt for me to listen more closely to others. Probably it’s just coincidental that it is happening at the same time I’m trying to make a conscious effort to listen better, but sometimes grace is in the mind of the beholder. The insight to look upon this annoyance as a temporary (I presume) gift can be work of the Spirit. I don’t think God wants us humans to suffer, but since some suffering in life is inevitable, reflecting on the meaning of it has helped me to let go of fretting about my hearing and to use it in a positive way.
Days 365+119 Lent old computer stuff

mostly paper to recycle

So, one week later, I’m home and looking at my lower left desk cabinet. It’s not too stuffed. Surely I can at least tackle that. I did – and found:

  • 2 more obsolete directories
  • 2 files of computer and internet directions from about 2005
  • Several more instruction manuals to computers and other electronic devices I no longer own
  • A Netgear wireless adapter. I’m not sure what it does but my son tells me I don’t need it.

Lessons learned:
1. Listen up
2. The computer industry seems determined to aid my decluttering by making most things obsolete by the time I find where I stored them.



I finally made the time to work on my Lenten commitment to clean out the paper clutter in my life, especially around my desk. It took me 2 ½ weeks to start because I knew cleaning off my desk would be a big project and I had other priorities. This weekend, however, provided some free time. For perspective, the first picture at right is the before photo of my desk.

First, I took everything off the desk. This is what scared me because I knew those files and stacks and scraps of paper had information that needed organizing not just a sweep into the paper recycling bin. This would take time. In fact it took about 2 hours to take everything off the desk (Disclaimer, I didn’t tackle the bottom drawers yet.) and about 4 hours to go through the remaining stuff on the surface and 9 mini drawers.



This turned out to be an exercise in sorting trivia from what’s important. I suppose that’s similar to life in general. My findings and prunings may seem inconsequential at first glance but upon reflection I’m struck by how many things seemed important to store and keep when I got this desk about 10 years ago and now are useless. For example, I found and discarded:

  • Directories from past jobs, some over 20 years old
  • 2 ink cartridges from a printer that I haven’t had for 10 years.
  • Computer camera that I replaced several years ago
  • The “New User Edition” for Quicken 2003.
  • Paper manuals for Windows XP and Windows 98 SE
  • Paper instructions for installing drivers/utilities/operating instructions for a Dell computer that I no longer own.
  • 14 discs for obsolete computers or programs. (I discarded these after consulting my son and some other young adults who confirmed that I’d never need them. It’s all online now.)
  • 64 business cards for people I can’t remember. (This was about half my cards)

What took a little longer was dealing with 9 scraps of paper that looked like they were cluttering my desk. Actually, I had very intentionally left these in the middle of my work space because each one required some attention. Now I was forced to do something with them, like:

  • I typed some of the information into related computer files
  • One was a reminder to make an eye appointment, so I stopped procrastinating and just did it.
  • File the Christmas gift warranty in our warranty file.
  • Put several items on my master “To Do” list.


The 9 mini drawers were relative easy because they were, well, “mini.” Mostly I reorganized them a little and updated their labels.

Then I hunkered down for the big job – those folders. This took the most time but I disciplined myself to only keep the folders I actively use on my desk. The rest can go into file cabinets – once I get to pruning them out, but that’s for another weekend, maybe another Lent. We’ll see.

8 Things I learned through this process:

  1. I was right. It did take a long time. It’s good I waited till I had a hunk of time. It would have been hard to continue my work with files in disarray.
  2. I cut myself a break. I quickly saw that if I wanted to deal with the paper on top of my desk, in the bottom drawers, on the Ping-Pong table, on top of the file cabinets etc. it would keep me from starting. I decided that the stack of monthly medical reports and other misc. paper would just have to wait – another example of the perfect being the enemy of the good.
  3. It feels satisfying to have my main work space orderly. It’s a good feeling; sort of like the feeling after going to confession. I often resist doing it, but when it’s over, I feel like a fresh human being.
  4. Most paper over 10 years old can be tossed. (exceptions: documents and stuff that I will use again, although most of this is probably on my computer now.)
  5. Computer related stuff (manuals, paraphernalia, etc.) have an even shorter life span.
  6. Only by emptying everything out would I have found some of the obsolete items tucked away in corners.
  7. Perspective. Although it took time to go through old business cards, directories, and files, it was an exercise in reviewing my life. I thought about the people I once worked with and the projects that seemed so important at the time. I found myself pondering whether what I’m working on now is worthy of my time? What is necessary but will fade in importance over time?
  8. I will never be 100% done. New papers will spontaneously generate to take the place of my bare center desk surface. But that’s OK. I have a bit better system to deal with it now. I still have those other papers (outside of the photo range) to challenge me during the rest of Lent.

So is this a worthy Lenten effort. I think so. I’m reminding myself to notice what’s trivial and what’s of lasting importance. I’m continuing to focus on being fully present to people who cross my path each day and to listen closely to them. Some times it’s working.

We’re one week into Lent and I haven’t even started. Oh sure, I’ve not eaten sweets (except on Sunday 🙂 ), but I haven’t started what I planned to do – clean up my paper clutter. My excuse? I’ve been preparing for work travel, traveling, and catching up from travel. All necessary things but still, Lent doesn’t move itself around to accommodate my schedule. How inconsiderate.

Days 365+69a ADAD-Ash WedBut what is the purpose of Lent anyway? Ultimately, it’s a time to enter into the journey of Jesus, especially as he faces his passion and the purpose of his life. It’s a time to take stock of my life and how well I’m following His lead. Will clearing out paper do it?

Even though I’ve been thinking a lot about Lent, I haven’t done anything yet – at least not what I planned. In hindsight, after I let go of my guilt, I realized that I’ve been spending myself in the service of others. I’ve been trying to focus on what they need – not what would make a nice theme and photo for my blog. Maybe Lent for me this year is about letting go of my self-imposed deadlines and projects and focusing on the needs of others. Maybe it wasn’t a wasted week.

But back to paper. I decided to clean out a lot of the paper clutter in my life because it was getting in the way of being able to find things. I was also feeling messy. I wasn’t at peace with my work space. I knew it would be a good decluttering project, but did it really rise to the level of being a spiritual Lenten effort – or was it just a way to justify a cleaning project. How would my clearing unnecessary paper from my life be of any benefit to others? (other than my heirs when I die)Days 365+117 ear

I decided to pair it with Listening – listening more closely to others. Listening doesn’t take any paper. It just takes being truly present to the person I am with in person, phone, or electronically.

Days 365+117 Lent desk cropped

Click to enlarge

I also analyzed why I didn’t think I had time to start my Paper-Less-Lent on Ash Wednesday. I realized that it just felt like too big a job. It would take me hours to go through the folders on my desk, even longer for a file cabinet drawer. So I procrastinated.

Solution: take one folder or small drawer at a time. I counted over 40 desk spaces, file cabinet drawers, and  piles of paper on the Ping-Pong table. I’m going to try to take my own advice:


  1. Take it in small steps. If my day is full of outside responsibilities, pick a small drawer or limit the amount of time (perhaps an hour).
  2. Empty the space first. Ideally I would take everything off my desk surface first. It would look so clean! But I knew that it would take the better part of a day to deal just with this space. That kept me from starting. So I reminded myself to start small (See #1) and just start (See #3.
  3. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Doing one small drawer is better than nothing. One hour is better than no hour. Daily is good, but not the hill I need to die on.
  4. People are more important than things. Even though it would warm my organizer’s heart to have a clear desk surface, it is more important to be present to the messiness of life and the human beings who pass through mine. Our kids always come first. If they need something, I’ll stop my work to look for that old photo our one son is seeking. It’s harder though to be patient with a klutzy motorist or listen to an annoying or longwinded acquaintance who mostly wants some attention,
  5. Let go of the guilt when I don’t meet my goal of cleaning at least one paper space a day or listening with mindfulness to the store clerk I just treated brusquely or the panhandler I passed by with anonymity.
  6. Don’t fret about the old photos yet. Save that for another year.
Days 365+117 Lent desk mini drawer

Click to enlarge

Paper: I went through 4 “mini desk drawers” before I found anything to discard.

  • Out of 225 old rolodex cards only 5 were worth keeping (70 were from a place I lived 34 years ago, 74 were from a job I quit 11 years ago. 70 were blank,
  • Out of 18 plastic cards (library, insurance, credit etc.) only 12 were still active.
  • Put 15 deposit slips from a bank we no longer use in recycling.

Listening: Not counting my husband, so far today I made a conscious effort to listen closely to one friend.

Seeking your comments on:
How do you deal with feeling overwhelmed by paper?
What do you do when you have a good intention but find it difficult to carry it out?

PS: In Laudato Si Pope Francis says, “These problems [pollution and climate change] are closely linked to a throwaway culture… To cite one example, most of the paper we produce is thrown away and not recycled.” (#22) So perhaps my focus on paper (all of which I’m recycling) does not lack a spiritual dimension. Everything is connected.

dollar signAt my stage of life (children sprung, I work at home) I don’t need to buy stuff as often as I did when our kids were outgrowing clothes and I needed an office wardrobe. Bottom line – I don’t do much shopping. However, underwear does wear out and thus I embarked on what I thought would be a simple quest – socks. After years of darning my socks when they got holes in them, I had a modest mission – buy about 6 pairs of warm, black, sturdy crew socks. My goal was to get some all purpose socks that I could wear with jeans or dressy black slacks. Since I had these specific criteria, I thought I’d by-pass the local discount stores and go to several medium priced stores – a shoe store and a department store.

I quickly learned that my basic black socks were going to be a challenge. Apparently many stores find that they can entice women to buy more socks if they specialize – different lengths, different colors, different designs – all of them thin. Since I was in the mall anyway, I ended up checking 10 different stores plus 2 more on my drive home. None had the basic black thick socks I wanted.

So, I did what many people do as their first step – I checked Amazon. They had some that might work, but I couldn’t tell from the pictures whether they were really thick and warm. I checked some other online stores. Same result. My daughter suggested checking sports/outfitter type stores. I checked some websites. They had socks with a high wool content that looked like they would work. BUT, they were expensive, $15 per pair plus shipping. I decided to spring for two pair. However, intrepid shopper that I had become, I wasn’t giving up on finding simple socks like the ones I had bought at a cheapo dollar store at least five years ago.

Top 2 socks = $15 each Lower 10 socks = 80 cents each

Top 2 socks = $15 each
Lower 10 socks = 80 cents each

I finally decided to make one last check at a couple discount stores and found pretty much what I wanted – a pack of 10 black socks, high cotton content, for $8.00. So, which is better the $15 or 80 cent socks? I’ve now worn and washed them several times. The verdict? They’re about equal.

So what did I learn from this shopping experience:
1. Time counts
Serious shopping for the quality and cost conscious buyer can take a lot of time. Weighing the cost of your time to research a good buy and check prices may offset paying less money. Which is more valuable – my time or my money?
2. Fashion sells
Stores have a vested interest in trying to manipulate our wants. While I had no interest in designer socks, apparently many people do – or have been persuaded that they should. Many socks had designs, pictures, or words on them. I call them “silly socks” because all these cute things are not bad but they do make them less versatile. Basic black goes with everything. Maybe I’m just a stick in the mud, but I’d rather treat myself to some chocolate than buy limited use socks. PS: After reading this blog, many of my friends kidded me and took me to task saying that an occasional splurge on “silly socks” was fun and an opportunity to express their creativity. So there! I guess I am a stick in the mud.
3. Online shopping pros
It can be quicker
*It can save gas (at least the gas in my car, if not the delivery truck)
*Some stores offer free returns.
4. Online shopping cons:
You can’t feel and try on the merchandise. Fit and look may not be what you anticipated.
*Local stores suffer loss of business. This may cause employees to be laid off or the store to close, both of which hurt your neighbors and the local economy.
*Lack of personal advice from a sales person who knows the merchandise
5. Temptation lurks
Being in stores can tantalize us to buy more things that we didn’t originally intend just because we see things displayed. Not bad, if I really need it, but then we get back to the classic “needs vs wants” decision. Solution: Wait! If it’s a genuine need it will be there tomorrow or next week. If it passes, I haven’t lost any money.
6. Quality to cost ratio
Quality often costs more – but not always. The challenge is to figure out when paying more will get you more. That often takes time. (see #1)
7. Waste offsets
In my quest for the perfect socks, I also bought some small men’s cotton socks thinking that I could shrink them to fit me. It didn’t work. I gave them to my husband who really didn’t need more socks. We decided to give some of his socks away. Waste can be offset by generosity.
8. Sale and Return Psychology
I like sales. I like to save money. But, as Joshua Fields Milburn says, “Forget sale prices. Everything is 100% off when you don’t buy it.” Also Joshua Becker explains the psychology of return policies in his blog post How Return Policies Encourage Spending.
9. Thrills are short term
The thrill of something new can be a mood enhancer. For some folks shopping is recreation or a way to cancel out depression. After I got my socks, it was fun to open a package of fresh socks and wear them for the first time. It didn’t take long, however, for the high to wear off. Now it’s just, “Oh yeah, those socks. They’re fine.”

What kind of shopper are you? What are your criteria before you buy something?

My last blog talked about “The Beauty of Empty” and how helpful it is to empty out a space to start the pruning process. Now it’s time to start with myself (and my husband).

Days 365+115 Susan's Refilled closetDays 365+115 Susan's Empty closetSince my first round of pruning our clothes closet in 2010, I’ve slowly been passing clothes on that I seldom wear, but I never actually emptied it out. This time I took my own advice and started from ground zero. The first photo shows the left half of our closet with all my suits, skirts, pants, dresses, and blouses removed.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

I found 7 items I’m willing to give away and 3 maybes:
3 dresses (1 elegant and 2 serviceable)
3 skirts
1 cultural outfit from Indonesia; nice but not many opportunities to wear it.

Then I put everything else back. I feel better.

Then I turned to my husband… When I give talks, often someone will say, “I’m fine with giving stuff away, but my spouse or kids are the problem.” My usual response is “Invite others, but do your own thing. Convincing/cajoling others to join you can strain your relationship.” BUT, I had noticed that our clothes would have more room to “breathe” if Jim would also prune his half of the closet. He resisted, quoting me back to myself. He’d do it when HE was ready. Days 365+115 pinball machine

Ever the politician, however, he offered me a deal. He would go through his half of the closet IF I would refurbish his old toy pinball machine that he had as a child. I took it as a challenge, spent some time fussing with it, and, with the help of the friendly staff at our corner hardware store, met his request.

Being an honest fellow, Jim dutifully went through his clothes and chose to give away some of his stuff. He decided that some clothes were not good enough to give away so he threw away (or I made rags out of) some other things. I moved his rarely used robe to the guest bedroom in case a modest guest wanted to use it to get to the shower on another floor.

Days 365+115 Jim's Throw AwayDays 365+115 Jim's Give AwayThrow Aways:        Give Aways:
2 pairs of shorts     7 polo shirts
1 pair of jeans        9 dress shirts
2 sweatshirts          hiking boots
4 T-shirts

Stuff-nothingJanuary 1: As we begin a new year, our hearts turn to resolutions but our practical sides often resist – at least after a feeble try at exercising more, eating healthier, becoming more prayerful, etc. In an effort to serve you better and clear my own life of clutter, I keep up with what professional organizers recommend and what other simple living bloggers have to say on the subject. One common practice is to START WITH EMPTY.

By this I mean focus on one space – a drawer, a closet, a desk, a shelf, etc. Then go through the following process:

  1. Choose a time and a time limit. Maybe you want to do this today, every day, once a week or once a month. It could be 15 minutes, an hour, a half day – whatever seems doable to you without feeling burdensome.
  2. Take everything out of the space. This has the double purpose of helping you see what you have and allows for easier cleaning.
  3. Clean the space if necessary. This can feel rewarding, even if you end up putting absolutely everything back that you took out.
  4. Review the contents of the drawer, closet, shelf. See last Lent’s series on A-Drawer-A-Day for inspiration.  Separate into the categories of:Days 365+69k ADAD Keep Wait GA Move
    *KEEP – These are the items that are essential or bring you real joy.
    *GIVE AWAY, aka RECYCLE – This is the hardest part because now, or in the near future, you need to figure out where to take it.
    *WAIT and MOVE are optional extra categories.
  5. Put back the KEEP items. Put the GIVE AWAY or RECYCLE items in a container in an inconvenient place that will motivate you to actually take them to the person, store, recycling bin etc. (For example, next to the front door.)Days 365+69k ADAD Recycle Throw Away
  6. Put the WAIT items in a container that is out of the way. If after several months, a year, or whatever you haven’t missed the item, let it go. Sometimes your mind or heart needs this time to be ready to let go of sentimental items. Say good-by with reverent intentionality.
  7. Move the MOVE items immediately to their more logical home.
  8. Stop. You could of course go on to declutter another space if you still have time, but this process works best if you end with a feeling of accomplishment rather than fatigue or frustration because you’ve just crowded the rest of your day’s schedule. Crowding time can be just as stressful as hanging on to too much stuff.

The deeper side of emptying
As virtuous as it may be to empty and clean one’s physical space, there is a deeper level of emptying that you may choose to pursue. It is a spiritual emptying which involves clearing your mind and your being or unnecessary worries, stress, and self-importance. Spiritual guides call this kenosis (self-emptying).

This is a lifelong effort but is usually aided by ongoing prayer, meditation, often with the help of a faith community or spiritual coach. Yoga or Buddhist practices help some people. For me, it helps to take time in the morning for quiet and prayer. Being part of a faith community helps me check my ego lest I get too full of myself. The beauty of emptying oneself applies on many levels.

Start today. Today may just be the resolution and a plan for when the first time will be. Are you in?

PS: It occurs to me that “The Beauty of Empty” is a first world topic. People who are truly empty of food, shelter, or other necessities do not find beauty in their destitution and suffering. It’s a sobering realization that I can afford to let go of stuff.

December 31: As the year comes to a close, it seems like a natural time to give away the things I’ve been collecting in my “Giveaway Bin.” The month of December, however, has also been a busy time for me. (What a surprise 😉 ) So, I did what any committed but lazy declutterer would do. I took the easy way out. Ideally, I would have found good homes for the kitchen and clothes items, but when Viet Vets called and asked if I had any items to donate, I quickly said yes since all I have to do is put my stuff on our porch on the allotted day. My 3 months or so of items included:

Days 365+113 misc.Kitchen:                                            Clothes:
1 cutting board                                  1 pair of pants
2 iron skillets                                     2 shirts
1 salad bowl set                                 2 belts
1 salt shaker                                      2 pairs of slippers
1 nut cracker


salad bowl set, salt shaker, nut cracker, skillets, cutting board, measuring spoons

salad bowl set, salt shaker, nut cracker, skillets, cutting board, measuring spoons

1 digital photo screen                        1 train case
2 vases                                             1 necklace
1 hair dryer                                       2 Kleenex packets
sewing patterns                                 1 Purell hand sanitizer
nail clippers                                        4 cloth napkins
4 books

Some of these things hopefully will be useful to immigrants or others setting up a home. Other items I realize are pretty petty or dated. This, however, was a circumstance of not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Sometimes that’s better than not doing anything and I just have to let go of the guilt.

PS: Please forgive the lousy blurred photo. I’m chalking it up to letting go of perfection.