Living Lightly

Susan Vogt on living more simply but abundantly

Browsing Posts in Being Kind

As I approach Lent 2025, I read the March 3 Gospel (Mark 10:17-27) about the man who approached Jesus saying, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus’ answer is both comforting and disturbing. The comforting part is basically, “Keep the commandments (Love God & your neighbor, honor your parents, do not […]

Beyond Halloween, October is the height of election season in the USA and this can be scarry. Political conversations rule the news and penetrate many of our conversations – with both friends and opponents. So how should decent, loving citizens listen to news and to each other? On one hand, we can stay in our […]

Covid-19 has caused much disruption and, pain, BUT one unintended consequence is that I’ve spent more time in my garden. At first I was too energetic and planted some pole bean seeds too early in March. Only one stem survived a late frost. I later planted more seeds and vegetables so we had a hearty […]

When Lent began 7+ weeks ago, I had a 5 point plan to become “Just Kinder.” 1. Eat a vegetarian diet (Be Kind to the Environment) 2. Avoid single use plastics (Be Kind to the Environment) 3. Use more public transportation (Be Kind to the Environment + mix with people in need) 4. Interact more […]

Now that ⅓ of Lent is over here are my successes, failures, and 4 lessons I’ve learned. My commitment was to do a daily act of kindness to another person, creation, or myself, i.e Just Kindness. I organized my actions into the following categories. Here’s what happened: Eat a vegetarian diet – This was successful […]

I’ve spent a week pondering how to make this coming Lent count. It has not been a quick or easy discernment. (That’s why last week’s blog was on 6 simple environmental tips. I wanted to share simple stuff before starting on a more rigorous routine.) Are you ready for Lent 2020? In addition to my […]

For 6 weeks I’ve been trying to be kinder. This Lenten resolution stemmed partly from my kids kidding me about being judgmental of others. Although their examples were humorous, I recognized that there was some truth in my complaining about others’ foibles, the political state of the world, and also being hard on myself. Being […]

Kindness can mean many things – giving people stuff, helping folks, saying kind words, not saying or thinking mean things about people, protecting the environment, and praying for people. On that last one – praying – I haven’t written much because it seemed like a throw away phrase. Something you say when someone dies and […]

A strange thing started to happen to me last week. I was running out of ideas of kind things to do for others. (There’s only so many times you can count opening a door for someone. 😕 ) What I started to notice was that folks were being extra kind to me. At the Korean […]

Last week my husband mentioned to me that if the Church really wanted people to do something sacrificial during Lent, she might propose that we eat a vegan diet on Fridays or all of Lent. After all, fasting from meat still allows fish – even lobster – which is hardly a sacrifice. As I thought […]

I’m finding it easier to be kind by giving stuff away or helping someone than to be kind by refraining from being judgmental. For example, I took some blankets and jackets to the cold shelter some toiletries to the Respite Care Ctr. for indigent patients a therapy brace to Guatemala. (Well, I didn’t quite take […]

Ash Wednesday: I started this first Be Kinder week with giving several things away and trying to bite my tongue from making a criticism. The latter was by far the harder. I was successful at taking 2 pairs of jeans and 2 tops to Goodwill. I also took 2 sheets to the Catholic Worker House. Yea! […]

Over the past 8 years rather than just giving something up for Lent I’ve tried to do something pro-active to make me a better, more loving person. This has included: 2010-Giving away one category of possessions a day 2011-Continuing to give stuff away including intangibles 2012-Eating on a Food Stamp budget 2013-Creating less waste 2014-Decluttering […]