is about service. It is more than just managing or directing
people. It has to do with inspiring and motivating others
to be their best selves and to accomplish the mission of
the group, whether it be a company, an agency, a government,
a church, or a family.
Credible leaders strive to
embody the values of the organization and are often the
visible head of a group, but sometimes leadership is best
exercised from behind or underneath - invisibly. The true
leader might not be the official head or director but the
person who holds the respect of the group. These leaders
influence the movement of a group because of their personal
integrity and wisdom. Others recognize that they speak the
truth and this inspires a willingness to follow.
Ideally leadership is exercised
collaboratively and follows careful listening. This does
not mean, however, that a leader merely polls the group
and follows the majority since leaders are called to move
the group into the future and not just reflect the status
quo. Sometimes leaders have to bring a hard message of reform
and change. But effective leadership and ministry is not
a Lone Ranger, top down process. As Mary Benet McKinney,
OSB, says in Sharing Wisdom, "No one has all the wisdom.
Everyone has some of the wisdom. Everyone has a different
piece." If all the voices are not heard, even dissenting
or radical ones, a valuable piece of wisdom is lost.
Skillful leaders, therefore,
take all the voices and form it into a message to which
the majority can say, "YES, that rings true to me. I may
not agree with everything. It may call me to sacrifice for
the common good. But I believe that I have been heard and
am willing to invest myself in this work."
In companies, agencies, and
governments leaders usually hear the voices of their constituents
through their Boards, staff, and ultimately consumers or
the electorate. In churches, there are also Boards, Councils
and ultimately the sensus fidelium or the sense of the faithful.
In the family, parents may hold a family meeting to discuss
decisions that impact the whole family or simply listen
attentively to the needs of spouse or children before making
a decision.
Ultimately it is the assent
of the governed that gives power to the leader to lead.
Power is a heavy burden and needs to be always checked by
the leader's humility and sense of service.
you searching for a holistic approach to your marriage ministry that
is: Ready-made Designed by
experts in the field Proven Affordable
Consistent with your faith
Ministry Made Easy is a parish-friendly collection of ministry
tools and programs which, taken together, address the needs of the married
couples in your parish or congregation over the lifetime of their marriages
in: Marriage Preparation Newly Married Marriage Enrichment Healing Troubled
Five long time leaders in marriage ministry
and active members of the National Association of Catholic Family Life
Ministers, have teamed up to offer a realistic guide for supporting
marriages. We are Fr. Rob Ruhnke CSsR, Steve & Kathy Beirne, Patricia
Crane Ennis, and myself.
To get you started, check out the following resources:
Ministry With a Family Perspective Keeping
the Minister's Family Sane and Holy Preparing
Couples for Marriage Across the USA Open
Space Technology Appreciative
A People Adrift - The Crisis of the Roman
Catholic Church in America by Peter Steinfels (Simon & Schuster, NY, 2003, $26)
A comprehensive analysis of the Catholic Church in the U.S.A. since
Vatican II. As senior religion editor for the N.Y. Times, Steinfels
has an indepth knowledge of the facts and trends facing Catholicism.
He addresses the critical issues facing the Church today with fairness
and balance. It includes the issues of the clergy sexual abuse scandals,
the search for common ground in prolife issues, catholic identity, liturgical
battles, sexuality, the role of women, and the use of power in the Church.
A good source book for anyone wanting to engage in serious discussion
of current issues in the Catholic Church and how they developed in the
last 50 years.
Welcome Your Child – Family Enrichment
at Baptism and Beyond. Family Life Office, Archdiocese of Omaha. (888)
Comprehensive program with an extensive manual which guides leaders
through three stages of early parenthood – Birth to 12 months,
12-18 months, and 18-24 months. Great background, input, and creative
Parent Mailings for Baby’s First Year.
Family Life Office, Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown. (814) 886-5551. $5.00/packet.
Bulk discounts available. Spanish and/or English lifetime reprint rights
- $250. Packet includes six mailings to be sent to new parents by their
parish during baby’s first year of life. Great complement and
follow-up to Baptism prep. Mailings are spiritual based- practical tips
for living and passing on the faith; also prayers and rituals. Appropriate
for married or single parents, Catholic or ecumenical marriages. Baby’s
First Year Calendar also available.
To Seal & Strengthen Love –
A Resource Manual for Ministry with Newly Married Couples by Mary Ann
Paulukonis (NACFLM, 2002, $12.95)
Helpful strategies, programs, and resources for those involved with
ministry to young marrieds.
Kids Creating Circles of Peace. Susan
Vogt & Anne Marie Hansen. St. Louis, MO: Institute for Peace and
Justice, 2000. $4.95 (quantity discounts).
This 36 pg. booklet is geared to classroom use for grades K-6 and contains
story starters to help children think through how they would handle
typical conflict situations in their everyday life. This is the most
recent resource that supports the Pledge of Nonviolence.
Family Ministry – A Comprehensive
Guide by Diana R. Garland. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press. Ó1999.
Source book for the professional family life minister.
National Association of
Catholic Family Life Ministers (NACFLM) NACFLM is an association of professional ministers
within the Catholic Church who work to strengthen the Church’s
commitment to families. NACFLM believes in the intrinsic sacredness
of family life. Its mission is to be a prophetic voice for family in
Church and society, to foster professional development, and to provide
mutual support for those who minister with families.
David Abele – Executive Director
University of Dayton, 300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469-2512
Phone: 937-229-3324
Fax: 937-229-4902
E-Mail: nacflm@udayton.edu
Web Site: www.nacflm.org
Center for Ministry Development
Provides ministry education for leaders, ministry development training
and resources, programs and publication in family ministry, intergenerational
faith formation, youth ministry and young adult ministry.
Tom East, Director
John Roberto, Family and Intergeneration Project Coordinator
P.O. Box 699, 175 Church St., Naugatuck, CT 06770
Phone: 203-723-1622
Fax: 203-723-1624
E-Mail: cmd@cmdnet.org
Web Site: www.cmdnet.org
Pastoral Planning for Lifelong Faith
Formation A great website with many free downloads for
pastoral leaders. Delveloped by the same people who developed the "Whole
Community Catechesis" approach to parish involvement and religious
education. Solid Formation. For the Whole Community.
Bill Huebsch
9980 Wildflower Rd.
Pine City, MN 55063
Website: www.PastoralPlanning.com