The 3 Magi’s search for Jesus reminds
us that Jesus came for all humankind, not
just the Jewish people. So too, married love
is not a gift to be hoarded. Reach out to
someone who is sad, in trouble, or from a
different culture. Can you do it together?
gifts may be opened and enjoyed, but there’s
probably a lot of cleaning up to do. Call
your children to be fully part of the family
by participating in the cleaning up too.
Advent, the season of waiting and preparing
for Jesus birth starts on December 1 this
year. But waiting can be hard for modern
families. Help your family enter into Advent
with Mary - Preparing with John the Baptist.
Momentos Matrimoniales
y Notitas Para los Padres también están disponibles
en español. Si usted prefiere recibir en español,
por favor enviarme un correo electrónico a SusanVogt1@gmail.com.
your Marriage
Inspire your Children
Deepen your Faith
Simplify Your Life
Do you want
– To lead a life of integrity and meaning? To deepen your marriage? To become a wiser parent? To strengthen the marriages and families in your
church or community?
But life can be complicated
and murky at times, can’t it? There can be bumps along
the way – some major, some minor.
you’re tired – Of never having enough time? Of arguing with family members? Of not knowing where you’re going?
you may wonder – If you're marrying the right person? If your children are headed down the right path? If you're searching for meaning in the right places?
Learn how to negotiate
those bumps and deepen the most important relationships
in your life.
I don't promise a
quick fix, but I can give you a place to start, a path,
a coach. I would like to help you increase your communication
skills, deepen your values and spirituality, and achieve
a more satisfying lifestyle. My goal is to help you become
the best person, spouse, or parent you can be, because
–Your Family Is Your Job!
Blessings To You and
Your Family,
Susan Vogt
Susan Vogt
Author, Speaker, Coach
523 E. Southern Ave. : Covington, KY 41015
Phone: (859) 291-6197 : Fax: (859) 291-4742
E-Mail: SusanVogt1@gmail.com : Website: